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Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing

Clay Records

1. Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
2. The Nightmare Continues
3. The Final Blood Bath
4. Protest and Survive
5. I Won't Subscribe
6. Drunk With Power
7. Meanwhile
8. A Hell on Earth
9. Cries of Help
10. The Possibility of Life's Destruction
11. Q: And Children? A: And Children
12. The Blood Runs Red
13. Free Speech for the Dumb
14. The End
15. Never Again
16. Death Dealers
17. Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
18. State Violence State Control
19. Doomsday
20. Warning
21. Where There Is a Will There Is a Way
22. In Defence of Our Future
23. Anger Burning

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Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing?

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