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a world wondered full

Would You Wait For Something Never To Come?


Transient Reel Recordings

1. Would You Wait For Something Never To Come? : Part 1
2. Would You Wait For Something Never To Come? : Part 2

Czy czekałbyś na coś, co nigdy nie nadejdzie? Zespół z Tajlandii, poruszający się na pograniczu jazzu, folku, muzyki kameralnej, postrocka, buduje plastyczne tło do rozmyślań o godności i tożsamości.

Would You Wait For Something Never To Come?

Would you plant a tree you could never sit under?
Would you wait for someone you knew would never come?
Would you love, knowing that it would decimate you?
Would you leave knowing they would die?
Would you abandon your country?
Or would you stay knowing that it was due to capsize?
Would you get up every morning knowing the pain promised?
Would you ask for help?
Would you stand through the storm knowing you would buckle in the end?
Would you raise them as your own?
Would you tell them things will be alright at night?
Would you believe the words you offered to a friend?
Would you do the right thing when backed into that corner?
Would you make the time?
Would you try?
Would you do the same as the other times?
Would you cry?
Would you ask a question that you knew you couldn’t swallow the answer inside?
Would you have the words to provide?
Would you stand up for what is right?
Would you speak even if you disappeared into the night?
Would you dream knowing you could never feel its touch?
Would you let the mind drift knowing the body cannot go?
Would you remember something that could tear you apart?
Would you look away knowing it’s easier that way?

Would you wait for something never to come?
Would the answers matter,
If we didn’t keep trying all the same? 

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Would You Wait For Something Never To Come??

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